Tuesday, October 11, 2011

John’s Glossary of the Far Right

John’s Glossary of the Far Right

Christian                                Republican, conservative (no relation to Jesus’ teachings)
Communist                            anyone who doesn’t agree 100% with us
Compassionate                     one who replaces hanging with lethal injection.
Death panel                           health insurance company adjuster
Death tax                               inheritance tax, estate tax
Fair tax                                   a tax paid by low income people
Founding Fathers                  King George III
Free enterprise                     letting the poor die, child labor
Free trade                              shipping US jobs overseas
Government regulation       meat inspection, traffic lights, medical licensing, building codes
Government waste               any non-military spending that takes place outside my district
Health Care                           Don’t get sick
Illegal alien                           Mexican
Job-creators                          billionaires
Middle class                         those who have inherited wealth, minimum income of $250,000
Minority                                Black Republicans
Muslim                                   terrorist
Obamacare                 A plan where poor people don’t necessarily die of curable diseases
Patriot                                   One who favors unlimited spending on the military
Person                                    Corporation
Progressive Republican      obs. an extinct breed who believed in helping others (see T. Roosevelt)
Pro-life                                   one who favors war and execution
Republican                            Tea Party member, anyone who really believes “W” won the 2000 election
Socialism                    having public roads, police, fire, schools, lighthouses, air traffic control
Socialist                                 anyone to the left of Mussolini; Democrat, African-American, liberal, progressive
Terrorist                                anyone with dark skin
Unemployment                     an opportunity to hire servants on the cheap
War                                        the real test of a macho country
Worthy                                  wealthy white man, big trust fund

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